SFD Countdown

- German sub-page - Portuguese sub-page - sous-page Française - Russian sub-page - Khmer sub-page - Chinese simplified sub-page - Chinese traditional sub-page

Here will go the description and the credits. In order to enable a additional language here is the process:

  1. Download source files or create your own

  2. Generate as many days left +2 banners: max dat left down to 01 countdown, a 'today' one and a 'see you next year' one
  3. Create a <insert you language code here> sub-page and upload all your png images (and translated source files eventually, tar.gz or zipped)

  4. Email the sfd-discuss mailing list letting us know, so we can add one language to the script

Check the English sub-page to verify what is exactly needed, files names and correct size (190x200).

Since we are a global celebration it was important to support the various time zones spreading from UTC-12 to UTC+14 and various languages. At this stage only English is complete but Spanish and German are in the making.

So for someone wanting to add the English version of the countdown and living at UTC-4 (EDT) the link to the banner will be:

<a href="http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/"><img src="http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/countdown/banner1-UTC-4-en.png" border="0" width="190" height="200" alt="Celebrate SFD with us on September 17!"></a>

The code that we are using is available here.


SFD: CountDown (last edited 2011-08-18 09:33:47 by FredericMuller)