== Host a Virtual SFD Event == Would you like to reach more people than just those in your local area? Please consider a virtual aspect to your Software Freedom Day celebrations. Also, if you don't have enough local interest to put on a Software Freedom Day event or don't have a venue, consider hosting a virtual celebration. These are a few options to having a virtual celebration. * It could be a hybrid event. People can gather locally while others join in virtually. * It could be a completely virtual event and you can avoid tasks such as finding a venue, having to set up and clean up afterwards. A virtual event doesn't have to be elaborate. It can be as simple as getting people with like interests together to discuss a Free Software related topic. If desired, you could share talks via a virtual platform or have a Q&A session. You could even create music with the help of Free Software and run a virtual jam session. The sky's the limit, so use your imagination and put on the type of event you would like to attend for Software Freedom Day. == How do you set up virtual SFD event? == * [[https://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2023|Register]] your event as you would any local event. Indicate in your event description that part or all of the event will be virtual. You can add information on how to connect virtually to your event page or refer people to another location where they can find the information. It's very useful to indicate what language(s) will be spoken and the time zone or the UTC time of the event. If you're getting together with people in other regions, it's easy to assume a local time when that may not be the case for everyone. * The [[https://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/StartGuide|Start Guide]] may offer some useful tips for planning an event. * Get the word out to people with similar interests that you will be having a virtual event. We do have [[https://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/SocialNetworks|social media]] accounts. If you have information about your event that you'd like us to share via official DFF and SFD channels, please let us know. * Join the [[https://www.softwarefreedomday.org/mailing-lists|SFD mailing list]] or the #SoftwareFreedomDay matrix chat, so we can exchange information and brainstorm event ideas. == How do you connect? == There are several options for virtual communications. The most popular option is [[https://jitsi.org/|Jitsi]]. One drawback is that you can't moderate users on Jitsi. However, if you or someone in your group is an associate member of the FSF, you can use their [[https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/fsf-gives-freedom-respecting-videoconferencing-to-all-associate-members|Jitsi]] platform which offers more functionality such as moderating capabilities. Another Free option some groups use is [[https://bigbluebutton.org/|Big Blue Button]]. A not so Free option, but good for an emergency is Google Meet. More people are familiar with it and you can moderate it. Unlike Jitsi, Google Meet has a 1 hour meeting time limit. If necessary, you can get started on Google Meet and demonstrate to your group how to use Jitsi. Then, switch the rest of the meeting to a Free platform. If you just need audio and don't need video conferencing, Free options such as [[https://www.mumble.info/|Mumble]], [[http://llcon.sourceforge.net/|Jamulus]] and [[https://sonobus.net/|Sonobus]] are great choices. If your group is discussing music creation using Free Software or wants to share music or wants a clear audio signal, these are great alternatives. Plus, there's an [[https://f-droid.org/packages/se.lublin.mumla/|Android app]] available for Mumble. Chat options like Matrix are another option for meeting online and sharing information about Free Software. == Virtual connection options == More information on virtual connection and chat options is available from these sites: * http://www.berklix.org/meet/ * https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/better-than-zoom-try-these-free-software-tools-for-staying-in-touch * https://libreplanet.org/wiki/Remote_Communication * https://lmemsm.dreamwidth.org/14124.html == Software == More connection ideas: * [[https://medevel.com/sip-clients/|SIP]] * [[https://ekiga.org/|Ekiga]] * [[http://www.videolan.org/|VLC]] + !IceCast: [[https://web.archive.org/web/20161015121315/https://en.flossmanuals.net/vlc/ch015_streaming-to-icecast/|see more]] - !IceCast should have ability to switch between locations. * [[http://bigbluebutton.org/|BigBlueButton]] * [[https://jitsi.org/|Jitsi]] - [[https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/wiki/Jitsi-Meet-Instances|Some of public Jitsi instances]]