SFD Start Guide


This start guide is designed to introduce you to SFD and give you some tips and pointers for organizing your own SFD team event. If you have any questions please join and use the teams mailing list or email <info AT softwarefreedomday DOT org>. You can also chat to us on #sfd on irc.freenode.net (link) if you want to bounce ideas around or get more advice. If you are on orkut join the Software Freedom Day community to share your ideas.

Forming a Local SFD Team can be a fun, effective community building experience for your local user group and community. Software Freedom Day is an outreach day where you can inspire newcomers with the values and quality of Free Software and communicate the broader issues of Software Freedom through a variety of activities of your choice. Is there something locally relevant to your country or region that you need to express? Is there some great local success story you want to tell?

Software Freedom Day is your chance to stand united with the entire Free Software world with what you care about. Freedom.

How can I celebrate Software Freedom Day?

There are two primary ways to celebrate SFD:

  1. Join a local SFD Team and help make their SFD event a success.
  2. Make your own SFD team!

SFD will be most effective if we keep some target groups in mind:

Steps to build your team

  1. Sign up for the SFD-announce mailing list. This is a low bandwidth announce mailing list only. Team discussions happen on the sfd-discuss list which you are also encouraged to join.

  2. Create a team page on this wiki below your Continen/Country to prepare - you will need to sign up or log in to be able to edit pages. Please make sure you read the instructions for creating a new team page.

  3. Register your team. If you register before the deadline (see the Registration page) then your team will receive some goodies to help you make your event awesome!

  4. Check out the competitions page for ways your team can win great prizes! Make sure you also keep up to date with the mailing list for announcements and to share information with other teams.

  5. Report on your event! You can create your own team gallery, and we'll have an easy report webform for you to fill in after the event.

The average SFD event usually requires only one or a couple organisers to ensure the event is in hand. You can often recruit helpers from:

We have found that the excercise can bring the local groups together as well as grow the community as a whole. The number of helpers required depends on the sort of activity you choose, but generally, the more the better. That way people have a good time and it also becomes a social event. If your volunteers enjoy themselves, they will pass on a good vibe and offer to volunteer next year too :-)

Remember, we are all volunteers so it is a matter of what we can, when we can Always remember to thank your volunteers and make sure they have a good time.

What should we do?

Be creative! You can organise any kind of SFD event you want. But just to get you started, here are a few ideas some people have had:

Preparing fo the day

Below is a basic checklist that should cover most events that you would plan on running:


SFD: StartGuide (last edited 2010-07-05 10:32:05 by 239-228-103-86)