Pia Waugh is a FOSS advocate, professional and fan. She has contributed to the FOSS community for many years, was the President of Linux Australia, on the Software Freedom International board, and one of the core organisers of linux.conf.au 2007. She talks at many conferences including to many schools, non-profit organisations and to Government agencies about why FOSS and Software Freedom are so important in a world where technology underpins the basic freedoms we often take for granted, such as the freedom of association, or freedom of choice.

Pia has a blog where she often discusses FOSS, and strives to grow and support the FOSS industry in Australia, as well as do strategic consulting about FOSS to the Government and corporate sectors. She currently works for Senator Kate Lundy as an advisor.


SFD: PiaWaugh (last edited 2010-07-04 19:50:27 by 239-228-103-86)