General SFD FAQ

SFD Team Registration

How to create my Wiki team page?

Please go to CreateYourTeampage and follow the steps.

How to edit my team wiki page

You first need to log in and then click on the edit button which is located on the right side of the menu bar.

I have a problem creating my Wiki page?

You may check if your URL is wrong. Wiki page should have year (2023), a country (e.g. India) and then your city, etc. Please go to CreateYourTeampage and follow the steps.

How to locate my team on the map?

You can zoom in with your mouse wheel or by clicking and dragging the map. You get to see exactly how many events are happening around your place to a precision any listing cannot give you (if you have 10 events in the same city, the listing is definitely not useful).


How do I participate in SFD?

You have 2 ways to participate:

1. As a participant/volunteer:

Find a team near you either by going to the team map: http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/map or to our wiki: http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2011/ and browsing down the country list. Get in touch with them.

If there is no event registered in your area, you may want to find 1-2 friends and organize an event with them! It's a lot of fun and we'll be here to support you as much as possible. You can also join in via a virtual event.

2. As a team leader: Go to our wiki: http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org Create an account: http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/RegScript?action=newaccount Login Create your team page: http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/CreateYourTeampage Register your team: http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/cgi-bin/register.py And then you're all set to start thinking about planning your event.

Will the international date of SFD change because of cultural or religious reason?

No, the international date will not change as finding a date suitable for every one on the planet is unfortunately impossible. We have chosen the 3rd Saturday of September as SFD date since 2006 and teams (and audience) around the world cope with this date. For instance, some people prefer Fridays and they do it on Friday.

We definitely understand those cultural and social differences and encourage teams to pick the best date for them. The current SFD official date is the 3rd Saturday in September and teams should try to have their celebration as close as possible to this date within the boundaries of what is possible.

I hope you can understand our position. We are attempting not to show favoritism to any particular territorial, cultural or religious group.

SFD: GeneralFaq (last edited 2023-07-29 15:59:06 by Michaels)