Koedo LUG(Koedo Linux Users' Group)

KoedoLUG is one of Japanese local Linux Users Groups which is active in around Tokyo area. In this year's SFD, we'll have a small study meeting "Benkyo-kai" with free/libre open source software enthusiast, with having short technical presentations about Linux or another FLOSS wich is called unconference meeting at 14:00- Sept. 21st 2019, and Japanese traditional drinking party "Nomi-kai" to celebrate software freedom at 19:00- :-)

Detail and entry are the following URL:
ja: https://koedolug.connpass.com/event/144815/<<BR>> en: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fkoedolug.connpass.com%2Fevent%2F144815%2F


SFD: 2019/Japan/Tokyo/Koedo LUG(Koedo Linux Users' Group) (last edited 2019-09-10 09:31:37 by Kentaro Hatori)