= KSL-UBL = Linux Study Group of the Budi Luhur University (KSL - UBL) is a research group of students in the field of information technology , especially Linux and F/OSS (Free/Open Source Software ). KSL-UBL was officially established as a student research group on 23 July 2002. KSL-UBL been celebrating The Software Freedom Day from 2007 until now! In this year, at the Software Freedom Day 2018, KSL-UBL takes the theme UI / UX, about how much influence UI / UX in the application will be made, this event is divided into 2 parts. The first part is the seminar, talk about how much influence UI / UX in the application will be made, and, the reason is, to tell that UI / UX has an important role in making an application. Then, the second part is a workshop, about how to make a prototype of an application. ---- '''This event will be held on:''' Date : 24 and 26 September 2018 Location : Budi Luhur University, Faculty of Information Technology ---- '''KSL invite several speakers, such as :''' 1. Gerald M as UI / UX Designer at DeltaApp 2. Disky Chainriady as Senior Product Designer at Bukalapak 3. Angga Risky as Product Designer AVANA Future Commerce ---- CategoryTeam2018