## This template should be used for English speaking countries or for ## countries for which there is no specific language version #language en = SFD 2018/Estonia = [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estonia|An overview of Estonia]]. We do not have fresh release of Estobuntu but we encourage to use any of the GNU/Linux distribution you may like. Take a look at [[https://www.distroscreens.com/|distroscreens.com]] what they look like. [[https://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eesti|Ülevaade Eesti riigist]]. Meil ei ole küll pakkuda värsket Estobuntu versiooni kuid julgustame kasutama mistahes GNU/Linuxi tarkvarakomplekti, mis võib meeldida. Vaadata saab [[https://www.distroscreens.com/|distroscreens.com]], millised need välja näevad. == Cities == <> == Create a new City == <> ---- CategoryCountry2018