#language en = 2017/China/Zhengzhou = 郑州,河南省省会,中国中部地区重要的中心城市,国家重要的综合交通枢纽,中原经济区核心城市. = SIAS = Hi 各位,由开源社社区成员“Linux人”以及郑州大学西亚斯国际学院SIAS-Linux小组成员共同发起的“916,我们就要聚会”软件自由日郑州站活动即将开始啦! Hi, SFD(Software Freedom Day) 2017 is coming! Which is hosted by SIAS-linux, Linux人 community! * 时间(Date): 2017-09-16 8:00 * 地点(Address): 11号楼大米雕塑旁;6101(郑州市新郑人民路东段168号) * The rice sculptures on the 11th floor; 6101 (no. 168, east of xinzheng renmin road, zhengzhou) 本次活动的核心宗旨是聆听自由软件的过往,了解开源技术的魅力,关注国内各个开源技术社区的发展,使大学生更加拥抱开源!让我们相聚在这一天,一起分享开源的乐趣。 The core purpose of this activity is to listen to the past of free software, to learn the charm of open source technology, to focus on the development of various open source technology communities in China, and to make college students embrace open source more! Let's get together on this day to share the joy of open source. == Create a new Team page: == <> In all cases you need to keep the {{{CategoryCity2017}}} to allow your city to be listed! ---- CategoryCity2017