Hi 各位,由上海JavaScript Meetup社区的Charlie、开源社社区成员“Linux人”以及上海Linux用户组的部分成员共同发起的“916,我们就要聚会”软件自由日上海站活动即将开始啦!

Hi, SFD(Software Freedom Day) 2017 is coming! WHich is hosted by Charlie from JavaScript Meetup, Linux人 community and Shanghai Linux User Group!

- 时间(Date): 2017-09-16 14:00 - 地点(Address): P2创客中心(愚园东路20号东海广场3号楼一楼) P2·Hero Center, Donghai Plaza, 28 Yuyuan Road (East), Building 3, Floor 1, Jing'an District


Here we aim to talk about the history of free software, the charm of open source and the growing of Chinese open source community. Please feel free to come and give a talk if you've been part of the free software world, or you can come and let's share the drinks and pizzas and enjoy a cup of open source!

目前我们已经征集到的话题有: For now, we have topics as :

- First:

- Second:

- Third:

- Fourth:

- Fifth:

如果你想要在SFD活动上分享一个话题,可以在我们的github issue上提交哦~ https://github.com/SFD-Shanghai/SFD2017/issues/3. If you wanna give a talk on the SFD event, please don't hesitate to apply at https://github.com/SFD-Shanghai/SFD2017/issues/3.

活动赞助: P2创客中心, Wiredcraft


SFD: 2017/China/Shanghai/linuxrenorg (last edited 2017-09-13 09:45:11 by OuKanChen)