'''The Labdoo Humanitarian Project''' Labdoo is a free/open source humanitarian social network joined by people around the world who want to make our planet a better place by providing those in underdeveloped regions (both in the developing and the developed world) a chance at a better education. The goal of the social network is to send unused laptops, ebook readers, tablet-PCs and any device that can be loaded with education software to needy schools around the world using colaboration and without incurring any economic nor environmental costs. Thanks the the Labdoo humanitarian social network, the platform has served laptops to more than 700 schools in more than 110 countries. More on how Labdoo works: https://www.labdoo.org Short video description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMLAoeq0T54 The Labdoo source code is available from github: https://github.com/Labdoo/Labdoo ---- CategoryTeam2016