
Bangalore, the capital of the Karnataka, is fifth largest city in India. The exact origin of Bangalore is not known, but it is believed that the city was founded somewhere in the 16th century. Situated at an altitude of approximately 920 m above sea level, it is also known as the 'Garden City of India'. The year 2000 saw the introduction of Information Technology in Bangalore and since then, the city has not looked back. It has reaped the most out of the IT Boom in India and boasts of the highest concentration of IT companies in the country. Today, Bangalore is known as 'The IT Capital of India' and "The Silicon Valley of India'. The Bangalore city is also very famous for its amazing nightlife. Some of the most happening discotheques and pubs of the country are in Bangalore, making it one of the most happening cities in India.


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SFD: 2016/India/Bangalore (last edited 2016-09-14 17:05:27 by FredericMuller)