Team Name

Describe what you do, confirm date and time and specify the address so people know where to go.

Mushtarak Technology as not just a tool, but a space of possibility. In many cases, it is an opportunity to reconsider what is taken for granted. Mushtarak is a space where an informal community of techies meets regularly in a mix of centrally organized events, community driven events and spontaneous encounters. Mushtarak hosts a wide range of events, from workshops on using Wikipedia in documentation, to seminars on Free/Open Source Software, trainings on archiving skills and digital security, sessions on localization software and debugging, code sprints to extend specific tools, to film screenings on tech-related issues. It is a space for collaboration, innovation and adapting technologies to best serve our needs.

our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mushtarak

our address:

2nd Floor, 37 Amman Street, Dokki - https://goo.gl/maps/g9Syw

we are planning for on line campaign in 17 september (it will be a holiday season) then when will make a Freedom software day at 24 september

CategoryTeam2016 CategoryTeam2016 CategoryCountry2016

SFD: 2016/Egypt/Cairo/Mushtarak (last edited 2016-08-22 18:03:51 by sara alsherif)