= Xiyou Linux Group (Xi'an Gnome User Group) = '''Date:''' 19 September 2015 '''Location:''' Affiliated Administration Building, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications ---- === Promotion Video === http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjA3ODg4NTQw.html {{{ #!html
}}} ---- === Activities === * '''Outfield Show''' (Different Releases of Linux) . Time: 09:00~12:00 . Location: Square in front of canteen * '''Infield Conference''' (Speeches, Q&A) . Time: 14:00~17:30 . Location: International Conference Center,XUPT . Speech by Zhao Botong,engineer of the Firefox . Interactive Quiz & Lottery . Speech by Yang Bo,engineer of the ThoughtWorks . "The Next Generation OS" by Liu Xiaoguo ,engineer of the Canonical . Interactive Quiz & Lottery . Speech by Wang Sen,engineer of the IBM . Speech by Kong Jianjun . Interactive Quiz & Lottery . Speech by Iris,GitCafe . Speech by Prof.Chen Lijun,XUPT . Speech by Prof.Prof.Wang Yagang,XUPT . Interactive Quiz & Lottery * '''Workshop''' . Time: 19:00~21:00 . Location: FZ118,Teaching & Laboratory Building, Eastern campus of XUPT . Participants: . undetermined ---- === Sponsors & Partners === * SFD * Mozilla China * Canonical * IBM * GitCafe * IBM * 开源社 * ThoughtWorks ---- === Contact Us === Mailing List: xiyoulinux@googlegroups.com Website: http://www.xiyoulinux.org Sina Weibo: @西邮Linux兴趣小组 Weixin Platform: xiyoulinux ---- CategoryTeam2015