SFD South Christchurch

20 Sept 2014

International Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) Festival

For more information, see SFD14 and www.sfd.org.nz

And as part of our usual event:

Workshop on prospects for Christchurch FOSS business collaboration:

11am - 12pm: Free Software, secure online voting, business development - I

Report: Secure Online Voting first principles established, 20/9 at SFD14.

'Secure Online Voting' (SOV) - to get started, maybe never - must be:

Secure - the toughest of technical challenges*;

Free and open-source software based - altruistic, community-good development, where proprietary SOV models have all dismally failed;

Optional - don't expect that SOV shift will ever necessarily happen, as digitised human variability is oxymoronic and not a good thing - bad historical precedents and SOV has to build trust;

Anonymous - without guaranteed disconnection of people from political preferences, new media will degrade and inhibit the current quality of choice, which is intolerable;

Independent - implemented by the Electoral Commission or similar agency, tasked with oversight of a voting system delivering 100% representative integrity; Constitutional - reform required to establish independent democratic priority;


* https://medium.com/message/everything-is-broken-81e5f33a24e1

2pm: Free Software, secure online voting, business development - II

Advice and http://www.Zentyal.org demo from http://www.NZOSS.org.nz

3pm: Luke Douglass, http://SUPPORTU.co.nz facilitator - Why run open-source in business?

FOSS business models for user results - seeking innovators, developers, collaboration

Web apps & how they can work together

Active Directory via SAMBA


http://www.zimbra.com/ test login https://accessmy.email

SFD Christchurch

FreeNix / Free Software Group / GNUz team

CategoryTeam2014 CategoryNewZealand2014 CategoryNewZealand

SFD: 2014/New Zealand/Christchurch/SFD South Christchurch (last edited 2014-09-27 02:33:50 by RikTindall)