PULUG stands for Panjab University Linux User Group It is the group founded by CSE and IT enthusiasts of UIET, Panjab University.

We are going to organise SFD for 5th time in a row. This time again its a two day event with day 1 dedicated to familiarizing freshers with OpenSource world and then day 2 exposing them to advance topics. Last year we had 350 attendess and this year we are expecting close to 500. We hope it to be a phenomenal event.

= Date: = 20th and 21st September 2014

= Venue: = Golden Jubliee Hall, Panjab University, Sector 14, Chandigarh, India.

Following is the two day routine :

Day 1 - 20th September 2014

1. What is SFD and why it matters.

2. Introduction to Opensource and FOSS

3. Getting involved into Opensource

4. Introduction to Linux

5. Linux installation guide using Live CD's, Live Usb's and rooted android phones.

6. Expert talks on android,programming in general and hacking into stuff.

7. Finding your way out of issues and art of googling.

Day 2 - 21st September 2014

1. Using Linux and CLI

2. Programming on Linux - C/C++,Vi editor, Python Dev, Java for android.

3. Familiarization with Version Control Systems with focus on Git.

4. Tech Support from the community

We will distribute goodies to the attendees, some of which we expect from you and some from other communities and organisations whom we have contributed to in terms of coding and documentation.

CategoryTeam2014 CategoryTeam2014

SFD: 2014/India/Chandigarh/PULUG (last edited 2014-07-21 05:42:27 by MohitGoyal)