Linux Accra User Group

As the Linux Users Group , our purpose is to: Support new and old Linux operating system users in Ghana. Provide a forum for getting support on Linux questions. Help new users install their own copies of Linux, in their own way. Increase awareness of the Linux operating system to Ghana IT community. connects technology providers to developers and users to increase the knowledge base of available technology solutions. connects people through networking and educational programs and forums to improve the understanding of the industry and to share knowledge and experience. connects people to bring solutions to technology developers and users. connects education to the industry through programs and initiatives to increase the skills of today's and tomorrow's workforce. publicizes career pathways and opportunities in the industry for students and new workers.

The Linux Accra, Ghana User Group (LAUG) meets every Saturdays from 2pm to 4pm at the Ghana India Kofi Annan Advanced Information Technology Institute. what do we do at these meetings ? Install distributions for newcomers and strangers. Teach members about Linux. Compare Linux to other operating systems. Teach members about application software. Discuss advocacy. Discuss the free software / open-source movement. Teach about Linux Kernel Teach about the various types of Linux Programming Languages Help solve Linux related problems Networking etc

All are invited to join us for presentations on Linux, open Source, Apps Developments, Networking, Programing, Projects topics and networking among peers. Admission is always free.


SFD: 2014/Ghana/Accra/LAUG (last edited 2014-08-26 13:45:11 by Stephen Donkor)