= OSCLUB-CAS = On the software freedom day of every year, We really appreciate for those people who took participation in our lectures and gave generous donation of many gifts to us Open Source software club. Their passion and help inspire us a lot. The software freedom day this year is coming.If you want to organize some activities or seminars in free software, welcome to Chinese Academy of Science! Please inform us at any time. Also, if possible, it will be our honor to invite you to give speech in free software for us students here. We will make the greatest effort to support you, including activity promotion and site provision. == SFD 2014 Chinese Academy of Science == === Date & Time === 2014-09-20 (Sat) 13:30-17:00 === Place === Teaching Building Room S201, Zhongguancun Campus, UCAS(University of Chinese Academy of Science) 中国科学院大学 中关村校区 S201教室 === Agenda === 主会场:(S201) 13:30—14:00 签到,入场 14:00—14:10 开幕,嘉宾介绍,致谢 嘉宾:李超(中国科学院开源软件协会) 14:10—14:30 开源操作系统 - Ubuntu Kylin 嘉宾:赵经辉(CSIP) 14:30—15:10 Firefox 不一样的浏览体验,Firefox OS 释放未来 嘉宾:张频,薛东升(Mozilla) 15:10—15:30 休息,展区浏览及抽奖 15:30—16:10 開放原碼手機操作系統Ubuntu Phone-架構、移植與刷機 嘉宾:Rex(Canonical) 16:10—16:50 台湾开源社区浅谈 嘉宾:Rex(Canonical),佟辉(BLUG) 16:50—17:20 闪电演讲 开源之路 by Ted Liu(Opentech) CSDN CODE夏令营 by 王殿进(CSDN CODE) 龙芯介绍 by 比尔盖子 中国科技网开源发展 by 南凯(中国科技网) 17:20—17:30 闭幕式 --------------------------------------- Workshop 1:(建议自带电脑和插板) 14:20—15:50 网页设计和编程(全英文) 嘉宾:Martin(BLUG) 现场需求:AngularJS, Web browser, 非Windows系统 16:00—17:00 Fedora test day intro & Teiid VDB 嘉宾:Robert Lijun Li, Xian Liu, Yubin Yan(RedHat) 现场需求:Fedora系统 -------------------------------------------------- Workshop 2:(建议自带电脑和插板) 14:00—15:00 Play with Seafile 嘉宾:林帅(Seafile) 现场需求:非Windows系统(推荐 ubuntu) 简介:首先讲一下 Seafile 的软件架构和安装编译方法。然后让听众自己编译 Seafile,我们解答出现的问题。编译的快的同学然后可以使用 Seafile 的 API 做些简单的任务。 15:00—16:00 用git制作电子出版物 嘉宾:张航(GitCafe) 现场需求:非Windows系统 简介:9月3日到6日,清华大学XLP项目正在如火如荼的进行中。129个不同专业EMBA的学生们将用4天完成使用git协作完成一个电子出版物的制作。他们中的大部分人并没有学过git,几乎是小白状态,但是却能够通过极限学习的过程体会到git的巨大好处。git对于一个小白而言是很困难的,但是却很方便的提供协同合作,分布地进行项目的版本控制,并且所有操作都可以被记录下来。所以张航将会通过这一次项目取得的成果,来给大家介绍关于一般人如何使用git做成一本电子书的演讲。 16:00—17:00 用Firefox OS模拟器运行和调试cordova生成的web应用 嘉宾:张频,薛东升(Mozilla) 现场需求:安装最新版火狐浏览器,安装Firefox OS 简介:用cordova生成一个Web应用并在Firefox OS模拟器上运行和调试。需要参加的同学带电脑。 === Program === TBD === Expected participations === 300 people == About OSCLUB == OSCLUB, Open Source Club from Chinese Academy of Science, all members here do believe in "Free Open Share" which SFD also holds. We also encourage our members to "Chase freedom and share your wisdom". We have held SFD at CAS for several years and this year again of course. For more information about us please visit [[https://blog-ossclub.rhcloud.com|OSCLUB]] and [[https://www.opencas.org|OpenCAS]] ---- CategoryTeam2014