---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ---- {{attachment:sfd_2013_logo.png}} ---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ---- {{attachment:sfd_2013_logo.png}} ---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ---- We back again,''' KSL-UBL''' Jakarta will celebrate Software Freedom Day in '''Budi Luhur '''University on 29 September 2013. The Detail is still under construction and discussion. We will do best. for more information, see our page : - http://ksl-ubl.or.id -http://sfd.ksl-ubl.or.id ---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ---- {{attachment:kslbllogo.png}} ---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ---- {{attachment:kslbllogo.png}} ---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ----