Ahmedabad. PGDOST * PGDOST FOSSYATRA FOSSYATRA successfully completed the FOSS "FREE/FREEDOM OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE AWARENESS CAMPAIGN IN INDIA " all over Rajasthan , Punjab, Haryana and now in gujarat. What is Software Freedom Month ? Software Freedom month is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Our goal in this celebration is to educate the worldwide public about the benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home, and in business -- in short, everywhere! What is Free Software and why is it relevant to you?Free Software gives users the freedom to use, study, modify and redistribute the software without worrying about licensing and copyrights.This means there is no per-seat licensing unlike proprietary software and you are free to install it on as many systems as you like. The workshop will cover the following topics ON SFD 21-09-2013 , General sessions : Introduction to FOSS A]How to install a Linux based operating system B]How to navigate the Linux desktop,using applications and installation. C]How to get help and support How to compute and communicate. D]General office and internet applications E]Linux installation (hands-on) F]Audio/Video editing tools (hands-on) G]Desktop publishing tools (hands-on) H]New-age licensing concepts (Creative Commons etc) I]Migration to FOSS with minimal hassles J]Compatibility of FOSS software with proprietary ones K]Distribution and exchange of FOSS software CD/DVDs Venue: SFD AT : POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN OPEN-SOURCE TECHNOLOGIES I.A.S. , TRAINING CENTRE , B/H . SBI BANK, GUJARAT UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, NAVRANGPURA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT , INDIA, PIN-380009 Venue Locator Link: https://maps.google.co.in/maps?q=damodardas+IAS&hl=en&ll=23.039219,72.547596&spn=0.005667,0.010568&sll=20.984928,82.752628&sspn=46.005077,86.572266&t=h&hq=damodardas+IAS&z=17 Date: 21st September, 2013, 6pm to 9pm. Regards, Team fossyatra AHMEDABAD http ://fossyatra.wordpress.com. email : netwebsteps@gmail.com ,fossyatra@gmail.com mobile:91-7359964844 लिनक्स: नि:शुल्क और खुले स्रोत सॉफ्टवेयर आप के लिए और दुनिया के लिए अच्छा है. ना कोई adware,ना कोई spyware, सिर्फ अच्छा सॉफ्टवेयर. Linux(લિનક્ષ ): મુક્ત અને નિઃશુલ્ક(મફત) ઓપન સોર્સ સોફ્ટવેર તમારા માટે અને વિશ્વ માટે સારું છે. ના કોઈ એડવેર , ના કોઈ સ્પાયવેર, માત્ર સારું સોફ્ટવેર. ---- CategoryCity2013