= Fredericksburg Linux Users Group (FredLUG) = We are a group of Linux users and enthusiasts who meet twice a month to share information related to Linux and the open source community, and we also help with troubleshooting. We welcome Linux users, developers, and people just curious about free software and open source. Join us in any or all of the following ways: * at our meetings * on the email list at http://calypso.tux.org/mailman/listinfo/fredlug. You can peruse the archives [[http://calypso.tux.org/pipermail/fredlug/|here]]; feel free to join the list, which we hope you will. * on the IRC channel #FredLUG on irc.freenode.net. Join the conversation [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=fredlug&uio=d4%20width=647%20height=400|here]]. We'll see you around! ☺ ---- CategoryTeam2011 CategoryTeam2011