## page was renamed from 2011/South Africa/Cape Town = CLUG = CLUG has plans for a Software Freedom Day Party in [[http://tsl.uct.ac.za/|The Shuttleworth Lab]] at [[http://www.uct.ac.za/|UCT]]. The aims of the day are: * Work on writing new software for the [[http://wiki.clug.org.za/wiki/Freedom_Toaster|Freedom Toaster]]. There was an attempt to start this in 2009, this time we aim to make real progress. * Do some much needed maintenance of The Shuttleworth Lab computers. The lab is getting 32 new computers soon, but the ones that will remain need some attention. * Have a bit of a party. CLUG will sponsor pizza. There are a whole pile of things that need to be done, so you don't need any insane Linux-wrangling skills. We need people who can use powertools, people who can chat, and people who would like some help with some linux-problem, and people who'd like to develop front-end software for the toaster. We are still planning the logistics for this, but we want to make sure all those who are interested keep their calendars clear on this day. Watch this space for details. There'll be Internet access and power at the venue, as well as Lab machines running Linux. ---- CategoryTeam2011