= TWC = The Working Centre is a Kitchener-based not-for-profit community organization that helps people in a variety of way: job searching, refurbished bikes, community kitchen, thrift shop and computer recycling. === Events for 2011 === * Presentations - Raul Suarez (Software freedom), David Car (To be announced) * CD / DVD giveaways: * Open Source software for Windows * Linux distributions * Linux install-fest (via PXE booting) We are actively looking for volunteers who can help with the install-fest, who want to prepare materials about free software, or talk about using free software. If you'd like to be a part of TWC's SFD 2011: Call '''Charles (519)743-1151 x121, email: cr @ theworkingcentre.org'''. (or visit in person @ 66 Queen Street South, Kitchener, Ontario). Call '''Paul N. (519)743-1151 x147, email: cr @ theworkingcentre.org''' ---- CategoryTeam2011