ANSOL stands for "Associação Nacional para o Software Livre" (National Association for Free Software) and is a Portuguese Association. More info at http://ansol.org/ .


ANSOL is planning a dinner party to celebrate the Free Software Day. You're of course invited, but confirmation is needed. The dinner will be starting at 20:00 on “Di Casa” Italian restaurant, in the top floor of "Vasco da Gama" shopping mall, on friday*. You'll need to confirm your presence by sending an email to mindboosternoori%at%gmail.com until Friday at 16:00. Please use the same email address if you have any questions.

Pay attention - the dinner is on friday (17th)! We know that S.F.D., but this way we can enter on S.F.D. celebrating since the first second (yay to midnight!), and it is also an easier schedule for many of us.


SFD: 2010/Europe/Portugal/Lisbon/ANSOL (last edited 2010-09-17 13:24:13 by MarcosMarado)