#language en = Asia/Sri Lanka/Embilipitiya = Embilipitiya is a main towm in Rathnapura dictric in Sri Lanka. == Teams: == We are inviting people to actively participate in promoting Linux. "'''Open Mind" ''''''and start using Open Source Software to move from proprietary to FOSS and feel the FREEDOM.''' * [[http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2010/Asia/Sri%20Lanka/Embilipitiya/OpenMind?highlight=(\bCategoryTeam\b)|OpenMind]] (The idea of adding another team page is that there many be more than one team in a region/city) == Create a new Team page: == <> In all cases you need to keep the {{{CategoryRegion}}} to allow your page/region to be listed! ---- ---- CategoryRegion