Iranian Free Software Users Group

گروه کاربران ایرانی نرم‌افزارهای آزاد

our web site:


Our plans for THE DAY:

Introduce and celebrate the newly born IFSUG with lots of cookies and drinks like the old tradition of Hobbits.

Install Fest.

Distributing free(as in free speech) learning content.

Some fun competitions over computers.

Seminars of freesoftware introduction.

Seminars of freesoftware high priority projects.

Talk and be happy

Who are we?

After we couldn't convince our friends of our old and precious MashhadLUG into changing the name into fsug(free software users grou) or at least to gnu/linux users gorup we decided to contribute our work only to free software so we started our group IFSUG. We have no interference with MashhadLUG and we are real friends. This Group is a parallel work to gather more people and contribute more to the free software movement.

previous acitivities of this group

we have been in other SFDs of MashhadLUG


SFD: 2010/Asia/Iran/Mashhad/ifsug (last edited 2010-07-20 08:41:35 by MahyarMoghimi)