Software Freedom Day Pretoria, South Africa

Software Freedom Day (SFD) is an event held all over the world to celebrate and raise awareness of free and open source software. Our aim for SFD 2010 is to engage with and encourage personal computer users, local businesses, schools, government bodies and other groups to use free software and promote the philosophy. We provide a friendly and accessible community to learn about and discuss free software.

Use the Hashtag

Get involved

Planning is now underway for SFD 2010.

Join our next SFD 2010 meeting on Tuesday, 10 August 2010 14:00 SAST at #glug.za on IRC via Freenode. If you have ideas or suggestions for how we can make this event bigger, brighter and better, please get in touch with Karl Fischer (on Facebook), on micro-blogging at http://floss.pro/kmf or simply chat with us at any time on IRC at #glug.za.

Topics for the day include:


We will be having a CodeJam session and developers are invited to join us at SFD2010 and work on an Open Source project of their choice. To take part in the CodeJam, register at http://tinyurl.com/sfdpta-codejam and join us at SFD2010 with your laptop. Power points and an internet connection will be provided (network cable and WiFi available).

Meccer have kindly donated 10 PCs for us to use at CodeJam. We plan to install various versions of Ubuntu and Fedora (32bit and 64bit) on these machines to provide testing platforms. If you have an idea for another use of the PCs, let us know. Any questions, comments or suggestions can be sent to "igalpin+codejam" [a_t] gmail[_dot_] com

CodeJam: Afrikaans translation sprint

As part of the CodeJam the GNOME Afrikaans team will be having a translation sprint to help push up the translation figures for the next release of Afrikaans GNOME. You are more then welcome to visit, ask questions and find out how you can become part of the team.

Android developer day

To register your interest please click here :


Distro Love Station

OSS Gaming

PC's supplied!

Suggested games

Learner's Lab

Photo People




Orgs helping us

CategoryRegion CategoryTeam

SFD: 2010/Africa/South Africa/Pretoria (last edited 2010-09-14 14:57:36 by DwayneBailey)