Kumbo Linux Users Group - Cameroon : A non-profit group, formed in 2005 to bring together people interested in the FOSS/Linux operating system!

This 2010 SFD is organised by KULUG - CM and sponsored by TechCeFaCos NGO Cameroon!

The SFD2010 Event's Plan - 10am - 5pm:

- Match Pass from Tobin - Kimbo/Square - Mbven

- Street/Junction Showcasing of FOSS - Tobin, Square and Mbven

- Training Workshop at Kumbo Council Hall

- Web Casting between KULUG - CM and D&C GNU/Linux User Group UK base ideas sharing, questions and answers session

- Launching of an 'OpenCafe' - Kumbo Puppy Linux OpenCafe, Cameroon!


SFD: 2010/Africa/Cameroon/Kumbo/klug (last edited 2010-07-24 11:20:43 by 195)