Marketing Communication

This is a page for us to draft ideas of a year round communication. It is suggested to communicate to our sfders from mailing lists and through our website on a regular basis.

Unplanned messages and ideas yet

To which audiences

To make our communication effective, we must have an idea of our different audiences.

  1. The FOSS advocates (both single personalities and groups): they know what FOSS is and they need to know about SFD, how to register, how to create a team. They also need to how to organise an effective event, how to communicate it well, how to reach out.

  2. PPl that wants to know more about FOSS: they are looking for information about both FOSS and SFD. They need to know how to participate/join a SFD event

  3. F/OSS-based organisations and private companies: they are interested in SFD as another way to brand themselves and extend their advocating effort.

Communication Channels

Communication ideas

SFD: MarketingCommittee/Communication (last edited 2010-11-18 03:05:38 by PockeyLam)