This year, Open Source Ascol Circle(OSAC) and ASCOL IT Club, are celebrating SFD 2020 ASCOL collaboratively with the slogan “Use of Open Source in Pandemic and It's impacts”. The main event will occur on 19th September 2020. We have planned this event to be beneficial for people from different sectors closely related to Information Technology. The goal is to encourage its integration in different sectors. This event will have project showcases, poetry, music, interactive games, speeches from renowned figures on open source, and panel discussion on “Use of Open Source in Pandemic and It's impacts”.

Program Summary

* Date: 19th September 2020

* Time: 11:00 AM - 05:00 PM

* Via: Zoom, meet

* Theme: Use of Open Source in Pandemic and It's impacts


1. Sanjay Poudel

2. Dinesh P. Chapagain

3. Budh Ram Gurung

4. Ravi Bhattarai

5. Aju Tamang

6. Prajin Khadka

7. Mahesh Regmi


11:00 AM - Opening Ceremony | Speaker Sessions

12:30 PM - Community Gathering and Networking

12:30 PM - Python Workshop (by Python User Group Nepal)

01:30 PM - Lunch and Refreshments

01:30 PM - Implementation of async tasks and message broker using rabbitmq in python '

02:00 PM - Panel Discussion ("Use of Open Source in Pandemic and It's impacts")

03:00 PM - Closing Ceremony

Working Teams

* SFD Finance Team | Lead by Safal Thapa / Sandip Basnet

* SFD Artworks Team | Lead by Kritika Poudel / Bishal Chapagain/

* SFD Speaker Co-ordination | Lead by Sandip Basnet / Ramesh Shah / Pujan Thapa

* SFD Administration and Communication Team | Lead by Manish Adhikari / Sandip Basnet

* SFD Logistics/Resources Team | Lead by Kreetika Paudel / Manjila Nepali

* SFD Media Team | Lead by All

* SFD Social Media Team | Lead by Rabindra Pangeni / Chiranjibi Shrestha

* SFD Technical Session/Panel Team | Lead by Ramesh Shah / Chiranjibi Shrestha /

* SFD Event Co-ordination Team | Lead by Sandip Basnet

* SFD Volunteer Co-ordination Team | Lead by Chiranjibi Shrestha

Organizers and Volunteers

Kreetika Paudel

Bishal Chapagain

Ramesh Shah

Dikpal Khatri Chhetry

Chiranjibi Shrestha

Sambhav Bhurtel

Safal Thapa

Manjila Nepali

Nigita Kumal

Nirmal Rijal

Pujan Thapa

Sandip Basnet

Celebrating Partners

1. FOSS Nepal

2. Mozilla Nepal

3. Kathmandu Living Labs

4. Youth Thinkers' Society

5. Open Knowledge Nepal

6. Google Business Group (GBG) Kathmandu

7. CSIT Entrance

8. Ruby Nepal

9. CSIT Association of Nepal

10 Python User Group Nepal

Event HashTags

1. #SFD2020

2. #SFD2020NP

3. #SFD2020KTM

4. #SFD2020ASCOL

5. #SFD2020OSAC

6. #VirtualSFD

Blogs Coverage

1. http://osacascol.blogspot.com/2020/09/osac-organizing-sfd-2020-virtually-call.html 2. https://ictbyte.com/nepal/sandip-basnet-software-freedom-day-2020/

SFD: 2020/Nepal/Kathmandu/OSAC (last edited 2020-09-15 14:02:40 by Sandip Basnet)