USTC LUG is abbreviation for Linux User Group (LUG) of University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). USTC LUG is a technology-leading association which consists of the GNU/Linux enthusiasts in USTC. The aim of USTC LUG is to unite the GNU/Linux users in USTC, to build a platform for information sharing, to share the value of free software, and to promote the using of free software in USTC and Hefei City.

Founded in 2003, USTC LUG has been gone through over 10 years. At present it is the best university association in Anhui province to promote the free software culture and value. Due to the combined efforts of its members and volunteers, USTC LUG has organized a number of meaningful activities, such as: Linux network technology seminar, GNU / Linux Install Party, PMP Embedded Linux technical seminars, Oracle and open source technologies seminars, Open Source Software Competition in Hefei, Software Freedom Day, A series of systems using and programming lectures.

USTC LUG started maintaining the well-known Debian archive mirror debian.ustc.edu.cn in 2003, and now, with better hardware and bandwidth sponsored by USTC, it is finally became the official mirror of China. Now it has been combined with http://oss.ustc.edu.cn and became http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn , an important open source software mirror in China. In addition, USTC LUG has established a freeshell server, serving the whole campus to provide online experience on GNU/Linux. With the assistance of USTC Network Information Center, USTC LUG has set up a PXE network booting system, enabling the whole campus to perform convenient installs or quickly experience the system.

In recognition of its excellent performance, USTC LUG was awarded the Outstanding Association of USTC in May 2011. USTC LUG was also ranked as “4 Star” Student Assosiation of USTC in 2012,2013 and 2014. In 2015, USTC LUG was ranked as “5 Star” Student Association of USTC.

Homepage of LUG@USTC.

中国科学技术大学 Linux 用户协会是由中国科学技术大学在校的 GNU/Linux 爱好者发起并组成的一个全校性群众团体。成立协会的目的在于联合科大的 GNU/Linux 使用者,搭建信息交流共享的平台,宣传自由软件的价值,提高自由软件社区文化氛围, 推广自由软件在科大校园乃至合肥地区的应用。

Linux 用户协会正式成立于 2003 年,至今已经走过了十多个年头,是安徽省高校中一个以推广自由软件社区文化、宣传自由软件价值为目的的协会组织,也是中国大陆高校发展最好的 Linux/自由软件社团之一。在各届协会成员和志愿者的共同努力下,协会开展了许多有意义的活动,如 Linux 网络技术讲座、“GNU/Linux Install Party”、PMP 中的嵌入式 Linux 技术讲座、Oracle 和开源技术报告、“合肥地区开源软件竞赛”、自由软件日技术沙龙、每周小聚和多次 GNU/Linux 系统使用和编程讲座。

自 2003 年开始,协会开始维护国内知名的 Debian 镜像服务器 http://debian.ustc.edu.cn,目前在学校网络中心的支持下,该服务器和 http://oss.ustc.edu.cn 整合为 http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn ,并成为 Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Archlinux 等多个发行版的官方源以及 Debian 在中国的官方镜像:http://ftp.cn.debian.org 。利用少年班学院的退役超算,协会建立起了 freeshell 服务器,为科大师生提供了容易上手的 Linux VPS。在网络信息中心的帮助下,协会建立了 PXE 网络启动系统,使得在校内可以很快的试用和安装 Linux 系统。协会同时对图书馆的无盘查询系统进行维护。

为了表彰其出色表现,协会于 2011 年 5 月被评为中国科学技术大学优秀学生社团,于 2012 年 5 月、2013 年 5 月及 2014 年 5 月分别被评为中国科学技术大学四星级学生社团,并于 2015 年 5 月被评为中国科学技术大学五星级学生社团。

CategoryTeam2015 CategoryTeam2015

SFD: 2015/China/Hefei/USTCLUG (last edited 2015-08-16 01:02:19 by cuihao)