Google Developers Group (GDG) Cebu

GDG Cebu is the largest developers group of its kind in Cebu. You can follow us on our website www.GDGCebu.org or email us via gdgcebu[at]gmail[dot]com.

Follow our event preparation for Software Freedom Day Cebu 2014 here: http://bit.ly/software-freedom-day-cebu.

You can follow Google Developers Group (GDG) Cebu via its official website (http://www.gdgcebu.org), official Google+ Page (https://plus.google.com/+GdgcebuOrg), Official FB Page (https://www.fb.com/GDGCebuOrg), or Official FB Groups (https://www.fbcom/groups/gdgcebu/).

SFD: 2014/Philippines/Cebu City/GDGCebu (last edited 2014-09-07 09:06:53 by RubenLicera)