NOSK (Nepal Open Source Klub)

NOSK is the Open Source club which has been originated from the FOSS enthusiastic students from NCIT (Nepal College of Information Technology), Balkumari, Lalitpur, Nepal about 6 years ago. We were listed as the one of the most deserving team in SFD2010. With more passion and motivation we are planning to celebrate SFD2011 and we plan to make SFD2012 the best of all. We'll post the detailed programs descriptions ASAP.

(More of the event details are still to be added)


#Date: 17th September, 2011 (Saturday)

#Venue: Nepal College of Information Technology (NCIT), Balkumari, Lalitpur

#Time: 9am to 5pm


SFD: 2012/Nepal/Kathmandu (last edited 2012-08-08 16:25:34 by anish)