= OSDCMY = {{attachment:osdcmy.jpg}} [[http://www.osdc.my/|OSDCMY]] The Malaysian Open Source Developer's Community or in short known as OSDC.my is a community based promote Open Source development, solutions and produce world class developers. OSDC.my represent OSS-D in matters involving the government, other organizations and the public, to conduct activities for the development and benefit of OSS-D. To advise on matters relating to open source software development developers to share their thought, knowledge and experience and leverage the Open Source idea to public. OSDC.My area of Interest: 1. Community Building – Adoption 2. Universities – Syllabus and Curriculum 3. Government – Collaboration 4. Industry Development – Subject Matter Expert 5. Research and Development - Inventor === Venue === [[http://www.berjayahotel.com/kualalumpur/|Berjaya Time Square Hotel]] === Date === Sunday, 8 July 2012 === Time === From 3.00 P.M to 5.00 PM Schedule: * 3:00 - Welcoming + Opening Talk * 3.30 - Presentation by TBA * 4.30 - Presentation by TBA * 5.00 - Lunch/social networking/gathering * 5.30 - Let Makan Makan!!! '''Will be a Lucky Draw (SFD Tshirt Limited Edition)''' '''We have bunch of DVD for participant such Kubuntu, openSUSE, Fedora, Gnome3 & PCBSD/FreBSD to take away''' '''We also give to participant for who most tweet using hash-tag #SFDKL2011 in the events will get mystery gift by SFD''' ==== Previous SFDKL2011 ==== '''For RSVP then no click click la just come :P.''' '''SFDKL2011 are ended. We have full video that you all can view it at''' [[http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL81C19BCD31E483A5|Youtube!]] '''Here here the 7 way how to celebrate the SFD2011'''. [[http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/240188/seven_ways_to_celebrate_software_freedom_day.html|Read it please!!!]] Big THANKS to all and our venue Berjaya Time Square because give commitment and huge support for this events and also for the delegate that celebrate with us. This is the history of the moment to will in our memory and heart. Thank again '''For any query or help dont hesitate to contact me back:''' [[mailto:fazli@osdc.my|Mohd Fazli Azran]] Secretariat SFDKL2011 Contact: +6013-2048672 ---- CategoryTeam2012