#language en = Donetsk = Donetsk is a large city in eastern Ukraine on the Kalmius river. Administratively, it is a center of Donetsk Oblast, while historically, it is the unofficial capital and largest city of the economic and cultural Donets Basin (Donbass) region. Donetsk currently has a population of over 982.000 inhabitants and has a metropolitan area of over 1,566,000 inhabitants. Donetsk is the fifth-largest city in Ukraine. Donetsk is a well-known educational location of the surrounding area, accompanied with several universities, which include 5 state universities, 11 institutes, 3 academies, 14 technicums, 5 private universities, and 6 colleges. The most important and prominent educational institutions include the National Technical University ("Donetsk Polytechnical Institute" in 1960-1993), as well as the Donetsk National University which was founded in 1965. == Teams == Open Source University Meetup DonNTU - http://osum.sun.com/group/donntu == Create a new Team page: == <> In all cases you need to keep the {{{CategoryRegion}}} to allow your page/region to be listed! ---- CategoryRegion