= FOSSible = === ( Open Source Technologies - KGiSL ) === Welcome to FOSSible, the '''KGiSL's''' effort in '''F'''ree and '''O'''pen '''S'''ource '''S'''oftware. At KGiSL, it is our motto to bring the benefits of Free and Open Source Softwares to all users - ranging from young children to senior citizens. '''"'''We take this chance to celebrate the '''"Inauguration of FOSS Club"''' on ''''Software Freedom Day'''' and stand united with the entire Free Software World.'''"''' Organized by '''Open Source Technologies, KGiSL ''' on Saturday, September 18th, 2010 at 9:00 am in Nursing Auditorium, KGiSL, Coimbatore - INDIA ---- Check out our website at http://fossible.kgisl.com ---- CategoryTeam