#language en = Sfax = Sfax ([sfaːqs] in Tunisian Arabic) is a city in Tunisia, located 270 km (168 miles) southeast of Tunis. The city, founded in AD 849 on the ruins of Taparura and Thaenae, is the capital of the Sfax Governorate. Sfax has population of 855,000 (2009), and is an industrial center for processing phosphates. The city was often described as Tunisia's Second city, because only Tunis has more inhabitants. == Teams == * [[http://ewh.ieee.org/sb/tunisia/enis/|IEEE Student Branch in the National School of Engineers of Sfax (ENIS)]] == Create a new Team page: == <> In all cases you need to keep the {{{CategoryRegion}}} to allow your page/region to be listed! ---- CategoryRegion CategoryTeam